PCB with V-Cut displayed incorrectly in 2D and Fabrication Option views
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andyfierman 18 hours ago
In my reply to this post: [https://easyeda.com/forum/topic/One-schematic-two-PCB-ea8aef2c6cc54b80b525f30632ab0eb9](https://easyeda.com/forum/topic/One-schematic-two-PCB-ea8aef2c6cc54b80b525f30632ab0eb9)<br> <br> where the user wants to make one PCB which can be snapped into two and connected at right angles to each other like this: ![Captura de pantalla de 2022-01-26 11-27-15.png](https://image.easyeda.com/pullimage/75OCSUWzKInC8xffqcrKIf5EtoG0XHO2HYgmjj6m.png) I suggested that the OP simply draw a V-Cut line across the PCB in the Board Outline layer so that it could be snapped into two halves like in this example: ![image.png](https://image.easyeda.com/pullimage/dvaSsYpJbG3pqpZuIL4WF8omEaZ2FWX5MrfsNvPP.png) The OP did this but then they found that the <span class="colour" style="color: rgb(85, 85, 85);">2D model only showed one half of the PCB: </span><br> <br> <span class="colour" style="color: rgb(85, 85, 85);">![Captura de pantalla de 2022-01-27 11-53-32.png](https://image.easyeda.com/pullimage/3LYnNdrdoF8F1tNEvw8SXmzOeFujPCmrsIn7j5qp.png)</span><br> <br> <span class="colour" style="color: rgb(85, 85, 85);">3D model does show both PCB: </span><br> <br> <span class="colour" style="color: rgb(85, 85, 85);">![Captura de pantalla de 2022-01-27 11-56-25.png](https://image.easyeda.com/pullimage/xTsHQIg7guWa0FTapl9oKjK2Suo1EJMxiEEC5lNS.png)</span><br> <br> <span class="colour" style="color: rgb(85, 85, 85);">The Fabrication Option only shows one PCB: </span><br> <br> <span class="colour" style="color: rgb(85, 85, 85);">![Captura de pantalla de 2022-01-27 12-02-17.png](https://image.easyeda.com/pullimage/8gfPRF5JultdeVaEpxKjvLDkpfNhD32usyNxPGji.png)</span> But final order seems ok: ![Captura de pantalla de 2022-01-27 12-07-37.png](https://image.easyeda.com/pullimage/tvMxclFuxrpOsXTNa94OFYiUPHilU2ILYJv14veh.png)
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