If your Mac OS can't install EasyEDA client
16903 9
UserSupport 3 years ago
If your Mac OS can't install EasyEDA client, please refer at: [How to open apps from unidentified developers on macOS Sierra](https://www.imore.com/how-open-apps-unidentified-developers-mac) If it doesn't solve your problem, you can try: [How to create the desktop client for yourself](https://easyeda.com/forum/topic/Tip-and-Skill-How-to-create-the-desktop-client-for-yourself-c3906607c76848c381ef0afd37282a17)
MikeDB 3 years ago
Or just get a proper PC ;-)
andyfierman 3 years ago
Now, now, Let's not be Platformist about this. That would just be so non-PC. :) p.s. I thought Windows had pretentions to being the fusspot of the Installation Police State nowadays?
MikeDB 3 years ago
We had to totally redesign our latest product to use browser control as Apple unilaterally declared that Adobe PhoneGap which we normally use for cross platform development was no longer allowed on the iPhone.   Has cost us three months wasted effort. So I feel every right to be platformist :-) Windows defaults to slightly annoying but you have to turn all that off to be able to compile stuff on their own Visual Studio tool.
andyfierman 3 years ago
@MikeDB, Ouch! I watched the film about Steve Jobs a year or so ago and the thing that comes across most clearly about Apple is that it's built on a policy of "End to end control" giving them even more of a stranglehold on users than Microsoft. I try to avoid anything that isn't FOSS but of course that is often not possible or practical.
Arjan van Vught 1 year ago
@MikeDB My PC is a Mac
ilgaar 11 months ago
The Hell with Windows PCs, and The Hell with MacOS Macs, I've used them both for a long time, they both suck equally. Both Companies own every bit of right that should have rightfully been yours, users of these Tyrannical Companies or the so called Big Tech, have simply no right at all, they can push the turn off button any time they like and delete you both online and offline. It is time to move to Linux, and don't you think that Android or iOS are better they are literally the same pieces of crap, one owned by Google and the other by Apple, I don't mean in the software sense, The Operating Systems used to be nice, both Windows and Mac, Android and iOS as well, but the recent breach of trust has shown us that we have been too naive to hand over our rights in a silver platter to these companies. It's time to Reject Microsoft, Apple and Google. They have sucked the blood of their users long enough. Installing Linux both on Mobile and PC/Mac. Screw the Big Tech Tyranny.
sunburstc 11 months ago
Had Problems with the latest Version and Big Sur. The normal Way (right click open) wasnt helpful. This works: `sudo xattr -d com.apple.quarantine <APP Path>` so like this: `sudo xattr -d com.apple.quarantine /Applications/EasyEDA.app`
Bengt Nilsson 11 months ago
My EasyEDA v6.3.52 says a new version is released, and I should upgrade. Today, 23-Feb-2021, The MacOS version I can download is still 6.3.52 from June 5, 2020. What's the idea?
UserSupport 11 months ago
@bnilsson11 You need to open the editor and check, the version number at APP info please ignore it.
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