【Forecast】EasyEDA Pro Edition Features Forecast
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UserSupport 2 months ago
Hi All We are developing EasyEDA Pro edition for a long time, today we post some images to show what we done. and good news is, EasyEDA Pro still has free plan, and it will be released in 2022.03 if everything is good. we are try to solve some issues now. The EasyEDA Pro will be more powerful, quickly and no low perfomance anymore, and it can support more than 500 pages schematic pages and over 2000 parts PCB layout, support multiple boards design, etc. the screenshot please refer at: [https://dri8c0qdfb.feishu.cn/docs/doccnmRhzJlfefPuFnIlBGG7Ile](https://dri8c0qdfb.feishu.cn/docs/doccnmRhzJlfefPuFnIlBGG7Ile)<br> <br> ![图片.png](//image.easyeda.com/pullimage/ENdxPAryaP31rd3U8KFdtjpcUhymOgUaj2k3sWf8.png) ![图片.png](//image.easyeda.com/pullimage/wFRmc0IDs40uccyyjcDWc8kIirPpOzQO9Gylx0ly.png)
UserSupport 2 months ago
copy to @andyfierman
cjohnson 2 months ago
@UserSupport Wow this is an incredible list of features. Pro edition will definitely be worth the money.
andyfierman 2 months ago
That's an amazing step up in features and functions. It addresses so many of the long asked for features such as hierarchy and push-routing to name just two. Great work from EasyEDA Team.
deskpro256 2 months ago
Sweet! Can't wait to try it out!
astradoco 1 month ago
STEP export! Finally! Can't come soon enough!
jonasforssell 1 month ago
Excellent! Where do I apply for the Beta tester programme?
UserSupport 1 month ago
@jonasforssell Hi No beta yet, at present is provide for Chinese users, not ready for other users yet
hoek67 3 weeks ago
Amazing changes. Good job team. I moved all my stuff from Eagle to Easyeda a week ago and would never go back now. The new version looks like it addresses most of my concerns and wishes. Hope the fabrication process is a lot less verbose. Somewhere in the settings should be the default name and directory for the PCB, BOM and the pick and place file and whether to just overwrite without confirmation, etc. This way can just export and it would\.\.\. know the directory is $proj\_name dd\-mm\-yy and the files would be $proj\_name\.zip\, $proj\_name BOM\.ext and $proj\_name PP\.exe and $proj\_name\.log
Draxter 3 weeks ago
Looks Sexy. Good Job. Thank you for all.
ByronAP 3 weeks ago
Yay can't wait!
iamkisly 2 weeks ago
I would love to take part in beta testing.
dillon 2 weeks ago
@kisly.va  thanks , we will release a beta version in two weeks. This is a desktop  offline version.
brians.digikey 2 weeks ago
Pay a native English speaker to review the words on your site.  Not bad, but plenty of simple errors that make it clear that whoever is writing does not speak English as their primary language.
ATEF H. 2 weeks ago
it will be a Good news !!!
MikeDB 2 weeks ago
I really think you need to get this out now.  Kicad 6 was just released and it's looking very attractive.  It doesn't have all the features I want, but neither does the current EasyEDA.
Michał Przybył 2 weeks ago
Give update to free version... .. or it die...
Iridium 2 weeks ago
Great news!!! Some amazing features coming our way. Thank you!
alberteasyeda 2 weeks ago
Love the upgrades looking forward to upgrading to Pro!
xinort 2 weeks ago
I'd love to be a beta tester if needed.
Lesliev 2 weeks ago
All good comments and valid appreciation of what is coming.  Two comments i would reference as they are standouts from my perspective. 1\. Step file export at last\.  Way overdue but better now than never 2\. Employ a native English speaker and writer to write your notes and your promotional info\.  While usually what is written by the non native writers of english is sort of understandable and can be deciphered it takes away from the product and can\, and usually does\, leave the reader wrestling with ambiguities\.  So many times the intent is clear but the english is poor\. Well done and bring on the roll out.
astradoco 1 week ago
@dillon where can we sign up for the beta?
netdudeuk 1 week ago
@andyfierman Where does it mention push routing ?
netdudeuk 1 week ago
@andyfierman Ok I see it now.
SoundHertz 6 days ago
Awesome work team! I was waiting for this for a while now. I always wanted to shift from Altium to Easyedda, but somehow the pro features were not available at the moment. Thanks for the update team.
Davide Romeo 4 days ago
Is there an expected release date?
bleugh 3 days ago
Oh Wow. And just as i was thinking to start learning KICAD to do a few FPGA PCB's, I might not need to now ! Thankyou team
Byte_My_Void 3 days ago
the best function that must be in easy eda - mutli monitor support.
alecamar 1 day ago
@Byte\_My\_Void It actually has \(kind of\)\. You can have the schematic open in one monitor and the PCB in another one\. Whenever you click on one component\, it will get highlighted in both screens\.
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