Hi All
Thanks for the enthusiastic users to contribute the nice extension for EasyEDA, this post will summary these extensions.
If this post miss some extensions please let us known, we will update it.
If you want to write extension for EasyEDA, please refer at:
Our API document doesn't update for a long time, if you have any question please let us know
**These extensions are contributed by enthusiastic users, please to decide on your own to use or not. if you met some bugs, suggest reporting a bug to the project.**
> * [EasyEDA-Tools](https://github.com/ppeetteerrs/EasyEDA-Tools) by Peter Yuen: A set of commands like reusable modules(module renaming + replacing net names), global font replace and net names replacing
> * [iBom for EasyEDA](https://github.com/turbobabr/easyeda-ibom-extension) by Andrey Shakhmin: Use InteractiveHTMLBOM right within EasyEDA!
> * [Label Maker](https://github.com/xsrf/easyeda-labelmaker) by Andreas Bernhofer: Create beautiful labels with solid background for your PCBs.
> * [Main Menu UX Normalizer](https://github.com/turbobabr/easyeda-extension-menu-ux-normalizer) by Andrey Shakhmin: Removing annoying menu popovers on mouseover event.
> * [PCB Tools](https://github.com/dmwatson/easyeda-pcbtools) by dmwatson: Track Width calculator, which can quickly calculate your needed track width based on amperage and layer type
> * [QR Code Generator](https://github.com/turbobabr/easyeda-qrcode-generator-extension) by Andrey Shakhmin: Generate and add QR Codes to PCB.
> * [Quick Align](https://github.com/turbobabr/easyeda-quick-align-extension) by Andrey Shakhmin: Objects alignment without a hassle!
> * [Smooth Tracks](https://github.com/mattshepcar/easyeda-round-tracks) by Matt Shepcar: Rounds your track corners and adds nicer teardrops
> * [SVG Import](https://github.com/xsrf/easyeda-svg-import) by Andreas Bernhofer: Import SVG files to PCB without any distortions!
> * [Themes](https://github.com/FiercestT/EasyEdaThemes) by Fiercest: Additional Light and Dark themes for EasyEDA.
> * [Toggle View](https://github.com/xsrf/easyeda-toggleview) by Andreas Bernhofer: Switch PCB view between Top and Bottom view.
> * [easyeda-MyExtensions](https://github.com/duritskiy/easyeda-MyExtensions) by duritskiy: Incuding serveral useful scripts.
How to Install:
1, Download extension ZIP file and extract the files to your disc.
2, Open EasyEDA editor,
go to "Advanced" > "Extensions" > "Extensions Settings ..." > "Load Extension..." > "Select Files ..." > Select all files from the extracted directory > "Load Extension".
3, Check at top menu.
> GIF from [xsrf/easyeda-svg-import](https://github.com/xsrf/easyeda-svg-import)
If you remove the browser cache the extension will be removed too.