4+ layer PCB editor lag
18 1
deskpro256 3 days ago
Hi, I was messing about with 4 and more layer board routing and experienced crazy lag and literally EasyEDA freezing when using 4 or more layers AND the inner layers set to "plane". Moving a component or even a designator kills the app. This happens to both the desktop app and browser. If I set the inner layers to "signal", then it works fine. My PC(laptop) is not bad by any means, kind of "old", but i7-4702MQ, GTX850M and 8/16GB RAM, so I really doubt that's the issue. Am I just being crazy or has this always been the case? Can someone test it out on their PC's too? Thanks! ![Screenshot_1.png](//image.easyeda.com/pullimage/uM4A7oOzRCzktdpqZluwriAUQSZHmnOIYhtnJxu5.png)
deskpro256 3 days ago
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