Zener diode with simulator
606 4
Andrew Toogood 1 year ago
Hi There is only one zener to chose from and you cant change and values, I want to simulate a 3v9 Zener. I found an old topic with an odd work around where you change the name to DI_BZT52C2V4 which does not work as the component is not recognised. Any ideas?
andyfierman 1 year ago
The name change method in the post you referred to tstill works except that now you follow the same instructions but when you place the symbol into the simulation schematic, click on the Spice Symbol, press the "i" key and then change the Spice Prefix from D to X. Alternatively, simply do a SHIFT+F search for DI_BZT52C2V4 as it is now in the main library. If you want to use simulation please read the updated [**Simulation Tutorial (3)**](https://docs.google.com/document/u/1/d/1OWZVVFRAe_2NW3WratpkA_SGuHa5AcRow5ZRfvcoVTU/pub) in (2) in: [https://easyeda.com/forum/topic/How-to-ask-for-help-and-get-an-answer-71b17a40d15442349eaecbfae083e46a](https://easyeda.com/forum/topic/How-to-ask-for-help-and-get-an-answer-71b17a40d15442349eaecbfae083e46a)
andyfierman 1 year ago
DI_BZT52C3V9 is also now in the main SHIFT+F library.
LaurentKD 10 months ago
Hi, I want to use the DI\_BZT52C3V9 from Spice library \(made by andyfierman ;\-\)\, but when I choose "Place"\, it always places the DI\_BZT52C5V1\. When I try to force the Model to DI\_BZT52C3V9\, it brings me a fatal error \(Unknown Spice device type "\-" in "\-"\)\. It seems that the models for any other zener diode than the DI\_BZT52C5V1 have not been implemented and always fallback to the default DI\_BZT52C5V1\. Am I wrong ?
andyfierman 10 months ago
My bad. :( Fixed now. :)
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