Concise problem statement:
Dropping a component onto a wire should break the wire and rejoin the ends of the wire to the ends of the coponent: like in LTspice.
In Firefox 23.01 this works OK.
In Google Chrome, it does not work.
Steps to reproduce bug:
1. Draw a horizontal wire.
2. Drop a resistor onto the wire.
3. Drag the resistor vertically away from the wire.
In Firefox 23.0.1, the wire "rubber bands" up or down, still attached to the resistor ends.
In Chrome Version 29.0.1547.76 m, the resistor pulls away but the wire stays fixed. It does not "rubber band" and there is no break where the resistor used to be.
Expected results:
Wire should break when component pin ends lie on the wire.
Url: n/a
Browser:Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:23.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/23.0