Which is the best footprint for JLCPCB assembly - 0603 or R0603 ?
286 7
MikeDB 3 months ago
Also all other resistor sizes and C0603 vs 0603, etc.   There seems to be a mixture of footprints in the library even across parts in the same range.
JLCPCBsupport 3 months ago
Hello Mike ; Please consider to check the footprint dimensions (pad size and spacing) that is the important part, for the footprint labeling it is OK to just write 0603 to indicate the part package and we are also accepting the labeling of C0603 or R0603.
MikeDB 3 months ago
yes but the R0603 footprint on EasyEDA is different to the 0603 as shown below so I was wondering which the SMD assembly group prefer me to use. ![image.png](//image.easyeda.com/pullimage/OttNhGlZ3xvq0UjDHKSVDzKd5MXZB153bAlNDEgq.png)
andyfierman 3 months ago
For info: Not sure if it sheds any light on the current issue but I found a similar situation with 0805 footprints here: [https://easyeda.com/forum/topic/0805-resistors-in-same-series-from-LCSC-have-different-footprints-7356d58ad8b04cd49c399711a6213664](https://easyeda.com/forum/topic/0805-resistors-in-same-series-from-LCSC-have-different-footprints-7356d58ad8b04cd49c399711a6213664)
MikeDB 3 months ago
Yes it's all the resistor sizes.  Most, but not all, capacitors now use C0402/C0603/C0805/C1206, but the resistors are all over the place.  Needs someone with the appropriate permissions to go through the system library and do a global replace.
UserSupport 2 months ago
footprint at LCSC library type is better for JLCPCB SMT
EdHayes3 2 months ago
I much prefer the thinner lines. Agree Would be good for someone to go clean things up.
andyfierman 2 months ago
@UserSupport, Why not replace the SMD System libraries with those from LCSC? Then there would be less confusion. :)
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