Which footprint format should I download?
169 3
WellSight 3 months ago
Which footprint format should I download and how do I import it to my footprint library?  (copy paste into 'New Footprint" designer form?? Altium Circuit Studio Design Spark Eagle Easy PC   (most obvious choice) eCadstar CR 8000/5000 I created one from Mfr's PDF which showed no locating pin hole while Snap Eda's image seems to have one. Would like to try it.
UserSupport 3 months ago
[https://docs.easyeda.com/en/Import/Import-Altium-Designer/index.html](https://docs.easyeda.com/en/Import/Import-Altium-Designer/index.html)<br> <br> You can import EAGLE and Altium file
WellSight 3 months ago
Thanks, Much appreciated
andyfierman 3 months ago
@WellSight, What manufacturer's part are you using? Can you post a link to the datasheet for it?
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