Using the PCB Measurement Tool with Holes
133 5
DonpK 1 month ago
Is there a way to use the PCB measurement tool to measure the distance from the center of holes? Holes centers can be seen in the hole properties, but the measurement tool doesn't seem to snap to a hole center.-
andyfierman 1 month ago
If the hole centres are not already placed on and snapped to current grid snap size (or the grid snap can be resized to make them so) then there does not appear to be any way that you can use the in-editor tools (M or N hotkeys) to measure the exact distance between hole centres. So, it's back to Pythagoras using the XY values for the centres for each hole, as given in the right hand panel. :( * Note that there are tools that allow you to place or align elements or groups of elements at exact absolute or relative locations under **Format**. You could try changing the Category of this Topic to Feature Request or maybe even Bug Report. :)
DonpK 1 month ago
@andyfierman Thanks, Andy. It appears that the Measurement Tool (M) as opposed to the Dimension Tool (N) _does_ measure between the centers of holes. As the Measurement Tool is moved over the center of a hole, it appears to snap to the center of that hole. It's not apparent because the "crosshairs" don't appear as they do when the regular mouse cursor is moved over a hole. However, in the case of pads, a center dot does appear when the Measurement Tool is moved over the pad. Try it out to see if I've got that right. If so, I can post a Feature Request. Both tools could use some tweaking when it comes to holes.
andyfierman 1 month ago
Sorry, you're right: the Measure tool (M) does snap to hole centres. I think I must have tried the Dimension tool (N) off the Tools pallette and off the Menu when I tried it yesterday. Slightly oddly, both M and N tools snap to Pad snap points (but these may not always be at the pad centre!).. It would actually make sense to be able to toggle snap to centre on or off because there are occasions where you want to measure to, from or between the edges of holes and so do not want to snap to a centre. At other times it is required to measure between centres. So a carefully worded Feature Request is needed methinks. :)
DonpK 1 month ago
@andyfierman Thanks for the further insights about the M & N tools. > Pad snap points (but these may not always be at the pad centre! Could you explain when that would be the case? Don
andyfierman 1 month ago
Offset holes: ![image.png](// Irregular shapes: ![image.png](// :)
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