Unable to save Footprint- it just saves as a PCB Module
190 11
Ryan Steffer 3 months ago
I am using the online editor. I click File > New > Footprint. I created a very basic layout: a few pads and a rectangle, and set the origin on one of the pads. Press File > Save. The Save dialog box says "Save as Footprint". I fill out every field and click Save. The "Saved Successfully" notification pops up. Now when I open my Library, no footprints appear: ![image.png](//image.easyeda.com/pullimage/eblPesB8N1rJxh3yKBQJXZ5Z63fdLJMaxeCRNCRo.png) What am I doing wrong?
andyfierman 3 months ago
Please post the exact name of your footprint. Thanks.
andyfierman 3 months ago
Your topic title says it is saved as a PCB Module but your post does not show evidence for this.
Ryan Steffer 3 months ago
The name I'm trying to use is "ARDUINO-PICO-V3". Here is my PCB Module: ![image.png](//image.easyeda.com/pullimage/ZwBxL4ZzcPEVSY0pdexArKejarJDxOCz0y8JmqZD.png)
andyfierman 3 months ago
I can't reproduce this. Can you repeat your steps with a dummy footprint and either post an animated gif or a series of screenshots showing exactly each step?
Ryan Steffer 3 months ago
Absolutely. I hope a YouTube video will suffice. [https://youtu.be/T_wGhBJG-3E](https://youtu.be/T_wGhBJG-3E)
andyfierman 3 months ago
Weird. Am I right that you are using the web version running in Google Chrome? What happens if you update Chrome? What happens if you use Firefox? What happens if instead of doing **Save As...**, you just do **Save...** or **CTRL+S**?
Ryan Steffer 3 months ago
Well... I have no idea what happened. All of a sudden it's working. I didn't change anything. Same browser, same version, same process exactly. But now it works. I'm at a loss. I can't reproduce the issue no matter what I do. Weird indeed.
andyfierman 3 months ago
Well it is nearly Halloween so maybe there really are ghosts in the machine after all! :)
mastad 2 weeks ago
I have the same problem! Until today afternoon I was able to create footprint, but now not!
andyfierman 2 weeks ago
@mastad, Please give more information including screenshots.
UserSupport 1 week ago
Hi All this issue should be fixed at v6.4.29 now, please reload the editor to update this issue is if you save a new PCB module first, and then save a new footprint, the footprint will be saved as PCB module, we fixed now
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