Unable to do N-UP printing of PCB file for making pcb at home
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azhaque 4 days ago
Hi, I am noob, trying to print multiple copies of a pdf file, generated by EasyEDA (N-up printing) on one toner transfer sheet.  The following data is about this pdf file. File name: PCB\_PCB\_1\_2022\-01\-23\.pdf File size: 40.5 KB Title: - Author: - Subject: - Keywords: - Created: 1/23/22, 4:43:59 PM Modified: - Application: - PDF producer: jsPDF 0.0.0 PDF version: 1.4 Page count: 1 **Page size: 3.89 × 2.75 in (landscape)** Fast web view: No I have tried various online tools (pdfresizer.com, sejda.com) without any success. The output file is merely an A4 sheet with one image. Using Windows10 with free Sumatra pdf reader. Grateful for any help in this regard. Regards azhaque
andyfierman 4 days ago
You just need to think about this a different way. What you are talking about can easily be done by placing multiple copies of a single PCB design into one PCB design, then exporting that as a pdf file so that you can print several copies of the PCB onto one toner transfer sheet. The simplest way to do that is to: 1. Design your PCB; 2. Save it; 3. Then do: **Save As Module...** 1. then create a new PCB into which you place as many copies of the PCB Module as you want; 2. Save it (as a PCB) 3. Export it to PDF; Done.
deskpro256 4 days ago
Hi, yeah, I have found myself in the same pickle as you previously. What I do is export that PCB image as a mirror and save it as the PDF with one image. Then I open up my totally legit copy of Photoshop, make a new A4 project. After that I import that PDF and make copies that fill the A4 page, then export it as a PDF again and it's ready for printing. I have not used it for PDF's or much at all, but GIMP is a free and open source Photoshop alternative and should be simple to do. [https://www.gimp.org/](https://www.gimp.org/) How to import PDF's in GIMP: [https://www.tecmint.com/convert-pdf-to-image-using-gimp/#:~:text=Click%20on%20the%20GIMP%20File,as%20Layers%2C%20and%20select%20Import](https://www.tecmint.com/convert-pdf-to-image-using-gimp/#:~:text=Click%20on%20the%20GIMP%20File,as%20Layers%2C%20and%20select%20Import).
deskpro256 4 days ago
@andyfierman Damn, that's be easier than my convoluted method. :D
andyfierman 4 days ago
@azhaque, @deskpro256, Here's another way to do it using LibreOffice PDF editing options: Export the original PCB as PDF; Install LibreOffice; Open LibreOffice Draw; Open the PDF from the **File > Open...** menu in LibreOffice Draw; Do **Page > Properties** to set the **Paper Format**; Left click and drag a selection box around the whole of the PCB layout; Move the the mouse back over the selection then right click and do **Group**; **CTRL+C** to copy; **CTRL+V** to place a new instance; Select and drag the copy; **File > Save**; Export from Draw using **File > Export As > Export as PDF**; Set the PDF Export Options as: ![image.png](//image.easyeda.com/pullimage/3Dyycs3ICDuSVCCnB36AXZgJsKajs0FhQhYXFRcd.png) Click **Export**. This will export a PDF with multiple copies of the PCB in it. <br> If the PCB is exported as SVG then something similar can be done using Inkscape or Gimp but the user interfaces for these packages are harder to learn. :)
azhaque 4 days ago
Andy, Deskpro. Much obliged for your helpful responses. Let me try these out and report. thanks again. azhaque
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