I'm trying to remake a 40 year old triac driver circuit and convert it from 120V to 230V.
Below I attached a simplified image of the schematic. The original circuit works the same way, just with 40 year old components and on 120V (we need it converted to 230V for our purpose).
Don't need anything fancy, just want to switch some lamps (50W max. per "channel").
We have a 24V signal to trigger the optocoupler. 230V Phase to switch the triac (lamps have a common neutral).
Is a 1.2k Ω resistor enough or too much for the optocoupler?
![Triac driver.png](//image.easyeda.com/pullimage/ZJndymIRVDSPTmqzuhFpYe5jl433OdlcodYSO2pZ.png)