"...I added it..."
Added what, where?
Schematic Symbol?
To your Schematic or as a new Schematic Symbol in the User Contributed library?
PCB Footprint?
To your PCB or as a new Footprint in the User Contributed library?
"...not entered in the library?
Where do you expect to find it?
Not all LCSC parts have library symbols and Footprints yet.
Have you looked under User Contributed and Workspace?

Of course I did, but I can't find the file next. There is nothing. He tells me that it is under construction but nothing appears.
From 1.1, 2 and 5.1 in:
you can create your own Schematic Symbol and PCB Footprint.
For more help in creating Footprints and symbols, please refer to (2.3) in (2) in:
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