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This module is the STM32F103VET6 minimum system function board. Integrated STM32F103VET6 minimum system circuit, 5V to 3.3V regulator circuit, USB to TTL circuit, serial port one-click download circuit, JTAG standard interface, LCD interface, OLED interface, SD card holder, keystrokes, status indicators and other peripherals. All GPOs of the MCU are drawn out (except PC14, PC15) to facilitate the user to connect to other peripheral modules.



STM32F103VE_Board_JX V1.0-PCB



ID Name Designator Footprint Quantity Mounted
1 0.5A/6V F1 0805_L_JX 1 Yes undefined
2 100nF/50V C2,C4,C5,C6,C7,C8,C9,C10,C15,C18,C19,C16,C17,C20 0603_C_JX 14 Yes undefined
3 BL1117-3.3_JX U1 SOT223_JX 1 Yes undefined
4 MINI-USB_JX P1,P2 USB_MINI_B_FE_JX 2 Yes undefined
5 1.5K/1% R1 0603_R_JX 1 Yes undefined
6 Red/LED LED0 0603_D_JX 1 Yes undefined
7 4.7K/1% R2,R3,R4 0603_R_JX 3 Yes undefined
8 Green/LED LED1 0603_D_JX 1 Yes undefined
9 Blue/LED LED2 0603_D_JX 1 Yes undefined
10 0R/1% R5,R6 0603_R_JX 2 Yes undefined
11 LL4148 D1,D2 LL-34_JX 2 Yes undefined
12 22pF/50V C11,C12 0603_C_JX 2 Yes undefined
13 8MHZ/20pF Y1 HC-49S_JX 1 Yes undefined
14 10pF/50V C13,C14 0603_C_JX 2 Yes undefined
15 32.768KHz/6pF Y2 SMD-3215_2P_JX 1 Yes undefined
16 K2-1101UT-B4SW-01_JX WKUP,KEY_1,KEY_2,RESET SW_PUSH_2P_6MM_H5MM_JX 4 Yes undefined
17 10K/1% R7,R8,R9,R10,R11,R12,R13,R14,R15,R16,R17 0603_R_JX 11 Yes undefined
18 M_2.54_2*3P_JX P3 M_2.54_2*3P_JX 1 Yes undefined
19 CH340C_JX U3 SOP16_150MIL_JX 1 Yes undefined
20 M_2.54_2*4P_JX P4 M_2.54_2*4P_JX 1 Yes undefined
21 JTAG P10 IDC_HEADER_STRAIGHT_20P_JX 1 Yes undefined
22 M_2.54_1*2P_JX P6,P9,P5 M_2.54_1*2P_JX 3 Yes undefined
23 2.54mm_2*16Double_Rows P7 2.54-2*16P_FE_JX 1 Yes undefined
24 M_2.54_2*5P_JX P13,P14 M_2.54_2*5P_JX 2 Yes undefined
25 M_2.54_2*20P_JX P11,P12 M_2.54_2*20P_JX 2 Yes undefined
26 M_2.54_1*3P_JX P16,P17,P18,P19 M_2.54_1*3P_JX 4 Yes undefined
27 SD-002_JX P8 SD-002_JX 1 Yes undefined
28 220uF/10V C1,C3 6.3X5.4_JX 2 Yes undefined
29 SW_K8-8081D-L1_JX S1 SW_K8-8081D-L1_JX 1 Yes undefined
30 CR1220_JX BAT1 CR1220_JX 1 Yes undefined
31 0.96OLED_7P_Module_JX P15 0.96OLED_7P_MODULE_JX 1 Yes undefined
32 DTC143ECA_JX Q1 SOT23_JX 1 Yes undefined
33 4b6f3cfa8581473c906853d44688ba49 U5 LOGO_EASYEDA-BOTTOM 1 Yes
34 STM32F103VET6_JX U2 LQFP100_14X14X05P_JX 1 Yes undefined




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