Specifying and sizing individual components
779 5
star130y 1 year ago
Hello, I'm a beginner and still trying to get to grips with EasyEDA and have done some searches on this but can't find a solution. I've built my schematic which seems to pass the checks and I've now moved to designing the PCB.   The problem I'm having is the components in the  layout aren't reflecting the actual size of the components that I want to use in the project.  The resistor outlines are physically too large for the 0.25w resistors I want to use.   How do I change this?   The choices in the EE library are confusing and I'm not understanding the nomenclature used.  Similarly on Capacitors what do I need to select to get the right physical size for say a 100nF polyester capacitor. Similarly my project requires the use of J201 transistors but the pin out is different from standard NPN and PNP transistors that I have in my schematic, so the connections are incorrect on the PCB.  I can't see an option for this transistor in the library.  I searched and found a J201 layout here.  [https://easyeda.com/theampbuilder/component/J201-kEQpZXVv5](https://easyeda.com/theampbuilder/component/J201-kEQpZXVv5)   but I don't know how to use this or put it into my project.  Can anyone help with this? My project is here: [https://easyeda.com/star130y/buffer-splitter](https://easyeda.com/star130y/buffer-splitter)
andyfierman 1 year ago
This is why we have a forum topic marked [Must read]. Please study (1) and (2.3) in (2) in: [https://easyeda.com/forum/topic/How-to-ask-for-help-and-get-an-answer-71b17a40d15442349eaecbfae083e46a](https://easyeda.com/forum/topic/How-to-ask-for-help-and-get-an-answer-71b17a40d15442349eaecbfae083e46a)
star130y 1 year ago
Wow, thank your for incredibly condescending reply. I did not say I as a beginner in Electronics.  I've been building my own projects for over 30 years and although not a working professional in the field, I do have an  A level in Electronic Systems.  I am however a beginner with Easy EDA. I studied your forum topic..  and I did the relevant searches to find the answers.   I stated as such in my post.   I couldn't find them hence my post. I can appreciate you are maybe tired, irritated and jaded by all the newbie questions on here but your reply is just plain rude.  We all have to start somewhere. It's a pity you choose to put more energy in to attempting to humiliate someone asking a genuine newbie question rather than answering. and helping someone out. I'll take my questions elsewhere or perhaps someone else with a more positive attitude would like to help? Thanks Robin
andyfierman 1 year ago
@star130y, You said "**I'm a beginner** and still trying to get to grips with EasyEDA and have done **some searches** on this but can't find a solution." I'm sorry you feel offended by my reply but based on your information, you gave no clue as to what your level of expertise in electronics or in the usage of EDA tools may be or exactly what information you had searched. The information I pointed you to has been written precisely because we get so many questions about basic stuff that is already covered in documentation that it is just not possible to write out an explanation for every question from every person. So it's consolidated and needs a bit of patience and concentration from people to spend their time learning about how to use EasyEDA. If you study the main Tutorial and the one about Symbols and Footprints (2.3) you should find all the information you need about how to find or create symbols and footprint as well as how to assign Footprints to Symbols so that you can create a properly constructed which, when you do Convert to PCB..., will pull all the correct Footprints into the newly created PCB.
andyfierman 1 year ago
Some specific links to help answer your query: https://docs.easyeda.com/en/SchematicLib/SchLib-Create/index.html[https://docs.easyeda.com/en/SchematicLib/SchLib-Subparts/index.html](https://docs.easyeda.com/en/SchematicLib/SchLib-Subparts/index.html) [https://docs.easyeda.com/en/SchematicLib/SchLib-Wizard/index.html](https://docs.easyeda.com/en/SchematicLib/SchLib-Wizard/index.html) [https://docs.easyeda.com/en/SchematicLib/SchLib-Attributes/index.html](https://docs.easyeda.com/en/SchematicLib/SchLib-Attributes/index.html) [https://docs.easyeda.com/en/PCBLib/PCBLib-Create/index.html](https://docs.easyeda.com/en/PCBLib/PCBLib-Create/index.html) [https://docs.easyeda.com/en/PCBLib/PCBLib-Edit/index.html](https://docs.easyeda.com/en/PCBLib/PCBLib-Edit/index.html) [https://docs.easyeda.com/en/PCBLib/PCB-3DLib-Import/index.html](https://docs.easyeda.com/en/PCBLib/PCB-3DLib-Import/index.html) [https://docs.easyeda.com/en/PCBLib/PCBLib-Naming-Rule/index.html](https://docs.easyeda.com/en/PCBLib/PCBLib-Naming-Rule/index.html)
kennyg 1 month ago
@star130y I agree. It probably took him more time than to give a simple answer. He does the same thing to everyone asking questions.
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