Simple searches produce nonsense
47 1
Miopicman 1 month ago
In my design I want to use a bog standard pcb mounted potentionmeter. So in LCSC I used: 1)  the search phrase 'pcb mounted potentiometer' and got 340233 parts found - I baulked at searching through that lot. 2) the search keyword 'potentiometer' and got 0 (zero) parts found. The following messages were displayed:- \* Check spelling of part number or keywords \(my spelling is correct\) \* Use fewer or different keywords \(how can you I use fewer than 1 word \- can the system not count the number or words I used?\) \* Search one part number at a time \( I did \) \* Search by Product Category \( I think that we all know what category a potentiometer is in \) 3) I used the same keywords as 1) and 2) above, online (in Google) and got a few dozen correct likely canditates. Thus proving my keywords/phrases are ok. What am I doing incorrectly in EEDA??...if anything. Will any component, in my BOM, sourced from 'User Contributed()' be available for assembly onto my design or do they all need to come from LCSC? What is the search logic we can use?  'OR', 'AND', 'NOT', etc, etc.?
andyfierman 1 month ago
@UserSupport, This is another aspect of the problem I have posted about here: [](<br> <br> and is also why in: [](<br> <br> I recommend people use a Google or Bing search prefixed with the word EasyEDA: "(3) search EasyEDA for previous posts that may address the same or a similar problem. **Using the Google or Bing search engine and adding the word “EasyEDA” to your search terms may return a better selection of results than the built-in EasyEDA search tools**." Google used to support what it called "Site Search" but that was removed a few years ago. The above trick seems to work almost as well.
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