Sancho_15 (no layer in schematics?)
798 2
Sancho 8 years ago
Uuups, there is no extra layer for drawing / decoration objects, it seems I draw directly into the schematic - area? a) That’s very surprising and raises an alarm flag in my head. b) Additionally there should be a layer for the schematic’s template to print out (title block, header), it needs a name, revision(s), date(s), author(s) and so on, several properties that are related to the drawing and to be printed out together on the same page with the schematic. It may be that someone doesn’t need that, e.g. for dabbling around or a short simulation, but for (semi) professional use it must be there and should be to switch on/off like a layer.
Guest 8 years ago
we don't plan to add this function for schematic,it is hard to add to EasyEDA, sorry. we have this for PCB.
Sancho 8 years ago
Hmmm, OK, but that’s really sad.
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