Sancho_12 (Canvas Attributes)
1174 4
Sancho 8 years ago
a) Canvas Attributes shows 1200x1200 - What is “Canvas”? When I set the drawing area (frame size) to A4 Landscape the area is from 0x0 to 1168x826 but Canvas is still showing 1200x1200. Can I extend my circuit / draw beyond the schematic (dotted area)? However, A4 is 1 : SQR(2), which is NOT 826 x 1168 and NOT what I can see on my screen (my screen resolution is 1680x1050). b) When I set zoom to “Fit to Window” is does not, it’s 200%, I have scroll bars for both, x and y. But depending on my window size it sometimes is only 100% (too small). c) Sometimes, but only sometimes, the canvas starts moving when the pointer reaches the border. I don’t like that, because with an inadvertent mouse move (e.g. grabbing the coffee) the circuit starts running away.
Guest 8 years ago
a) Canvas size is the dotted area. when you set a new frame size, the canvas Attributes will be updated when you click the canvas. we will make it update immediately. A4 is 1 : SQR(2), which is NOT 826 x 1168 ? 1168/826 = 1.414 = sqr(2) b) I hope you can share the schematic with me, I should check it. c)This is autoscoll. We will close it soon. but some one like it. :)
Sancho 8 years ago
a) Uuuups, you are right with the 826x1168 and 1:SQR(2), I don’t know what I wanted to say but my remark was definitely wrong. ===> But the “Canvas Attributes” (right hand side top) still read 1200x1200 when I select A4 (A3), and also when I click into the drawing ??? b) This is still the same, “fit in window” sometimes goes to e.g. 200% and has (a) scrollbar(s). It does not depend on the schematic but the size of my easyEDA - window (I’m working in window mode, not fullscreen, but the same happens in fullscreen mode). ===> It may be only with a iMac, a minor issue, don’t care too much. c) OK, waiting.
example 8 years ago
Hi, a) still read 1200x1200 when I select A4 (A3), and also when I click into the drawing ??? 1) change frame. 2) Click any element then click the canvas again. the attribute will be modified. We will make it more friendly later. c) now, no auto scoll.
Sancho 8 years ago
a) Waiting c) OK, solved, thanks.
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