Sancho_01 (forum “General Discussion”)
668 1
Sancho 8 years ago
To discuss we (early users) need a forum section. The section “General Discussion” is welcome, but may be misleading. This is my understanding of “General discussion”: - We, the (early) users, will write what we find, it may be a bug, misunderstanding, feature request, whatever. - You, the insider, should comment on it and decide what it is. - Bugs must have a reference + number with classification, but must be held in a different place as “confirmed, we know about”. Therefore I’d suggest that the section “Bug Reports” is re-organized. On the other hand, later many users will see “General Discussion” completely different. It may be wise to rename this board to e.g. “earlyBird Discussion” and to hide it from public view. Users will post wherever the mouse clicks, but clearly named forum sections may avoid most of the confusion. Should we discuss forum section names here? It may need: 1) easyEDA Discussion (I mean use of easyEDA) - General easyEDA - Schematic capture - Simulation - PCB layout 2) Electronics Discussion (bad name, I mean topics not related to easyEDA) - General questions - Analog - HF - Digital …???
dillon 8 years ago
1) All "earlyBird Discussion" will be hidden after public. 2) Your BBS categeries suggestion are awesome, we will add these before public, but our BBS is just for talk about easyEDA, we don't plan to encourage to talk about others, because we have some partners, such as <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a> , are more profession in these fields.
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