Rigid-felx PCB
142 2
Xuezhi Zhang 3 months ago
I want to ask if anyone using EasyEDA design rigid-flex pcb before? I know easyeda cannot select pcb material like Altium, then can I generate gerber files from easyeda first then send to PCBWay for making rigid-flex pcb by telling them which area is rigid and which is flexible? Anyone attempt before or have any other better idea? I am not good at using Altium and I feel it is much more complicated in terms of finding/drawing all pcblib , so i still want to use EasyEDA and see if I can make rigid-flex pcb
UserSupport 1 week ago
Hi EasyEDA doesn't support to design flex pcb, maybe you need to use other EDA tools
andyfierman 1 week ago
@xuezhi, Please also see: [https://easyeda.com/forum/topic/How-to-specify-rigid-flex-regions-on-a-rigid-flex-PCB-84ae74c7808b4777abee6d4bed877e11](https://easyeda.com/forum/topic/How-to-specify-rigid-flex-regions-on-a-rigid-flex-PCB-84ae74c7808b4777abee6d4bed877e11)
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