Problem saving schematic after logging in
852 1
andyfierman 8 years ago
******BUG****** Maybe not bug: maybe don't understand procedure and steps for saving. Or things not to do to ensure saving works OK? Steps: ------ Logged in to EasyEDA on machine X. Editing schematic in EasyEDA on machine X. Saved schematic with Title & Description. Left schematic open when logging out of EasyEDA on machine X. Opened EasyEDA/editor on machine Y. Same edited schematic appeared in window; exactly as saved before logging out of machine X. *Without logging in to EasyEDA on machine Y*, then made changes to this schematic (to illustrate points in an email exchange). Did not log in to EasyEDA, did not save edited schematic. Closed EasyEDA on machine Y. Reopened EasyEDA on machine X. Same edited schematic appeared in window; exactly as edited before logging out of machine Y. Logged in to EasyEDA. Made changes. Tried to save schematic. Result: ------- Save > prompted for saving as if new schematic. No Title, no Description! Did not want to lose work so saved as new schematic with same details as earlier version. Expected results: ----------------- After logging in on machine X, expected to be able to save schematic edited on machine Y and so update original schematic. Did not expect to have to save it as a new one and so losing sharing URL. New saved schematic now has new share URL. Url: 0 Browser:Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Ubuntu Chromium/28.0.1500.71 Chrome/28.0.1500.71 Safari/537.36
dillon 8 years ago
Hi, We can't repeat this bug, thanks.
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