I did a PCB with 380 components from a schematic. Everything went fine.
Then, I added additional components on the schematic and removed some. From the PCB, I do "Import Changes" and the changes went wrong. From the windows "Conform importing changes information", I see that **all** the "previous" component and the new ones are added and then the "previous" components are removed. I don't know if my explanations are clear but the consequence is the implementation of my components is removed. Please see picture below.
I thank you by advance people that could help on this issue.
Best regards.
![Capture d’écran 2022-01-23 à 12.12.53.png](//image.easyeda.com/pullimage/GtgRgtKlrIeQtFcgDkjwiADKLmgTkW1IomY1eAzj.png)