Plated Through Hole in Schematic
195 3
Lesliev 2 months ago
Hello, I am designing a schematic for a PCB for manufacture by JLCPCB and will be adding three components to plated through holes-4 holes in total.  The only way I can see to create a PTH in the schematic is to add 1xpin header for each of the 4 holes I require.  The PCB then, when created, includes through holes for the Header pins.  I am however thinking of having the board assembled by JLCPCB as it contains some very small SMT components way beyond my soldering capability.  Is excludng the header pins from the BOM the only solution to keeping the header pins from being installed on assembly or is there a better way?  I was hoping there might be a PTH component/connector that I might insert into the Schematic and then have it transferred to the PCB when created but have been unable to find any such part - but maybe I am completely off track as the PTH is not really a component so how could it then exist in a schematic? I know I can add a PTH directly to the PCB but there then appeaars no way to update the schematic to show those PTH I have added to the PCB so the Schematic then becomes inaccurate - and I guess I just believe the schematic should be the driver of the design not the PCB. Hope someone can advise on this question so I dont have to continue thinking I am just missing something or just being naive in my design process.
andyfierman 2 months ago
The techniques to deal with this are described in (2.2) (including Appendix A) in (2) in: [](<br> <br>
Lesliev 2 months ago
Thank you for the reply and the link. The information in the “How to ask….” Doc is fantastic and the sort of advice i have been searching for on various forums and in tutorials since i started this amateur electronics journey including my use of Fusion 360 and Fritzing.  And it has answered many of the questions i have puzzled over as i have been developing my knowledge and experience. Excellent reading for anyone but especially those like me just starting out. regards
andyfierman 2 months ago
@Lesliev, Thank you. :)
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