PCB layout cell
183 2
qwee 2 months ago
Hi Is there a way to make a layout cell (of comp and trace) that can be placed in many location within PCB layout?  More importantly, in a manner in which autorouter do not fiddle with the traces at the subcircuit level. I'm doing a layout, without schematic, that includes multiple (6-24x) copies of a simple subcircuit.   For multiple reasons, its is highly preferrential to creating a fully-routed layout-subcircuit and placing it an array rather than individually placing each comp of each copy of the subcircuit and then routing. Thanks
andyfierman 2 months ago
Save the block as a PCB Module and tell the autorouter to ignore the traces within each placed instance. See the Tutorial for more about Modules. This will probably be handled better in the Pro version coming next year.
qwee 1 month ago
@andyfierman thanks
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