PCB auto router doesn't apply drc rules
50 3
GreenHamr 1 week ago
Hello , I have a problem . Auto router doesn't apply DRC rules . I have error in my local router many - many lines : <span class="colour" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Simplex.cutout_from: division line is null</span> Simplex\.calc\_division\_lines: division not found Simplex.cutout_from: division line is null Simplex\.calc\_division\_lines: division not found Simplex.cutout_from: division line is null Simplex\.calc\_division\_lines: division not found Simplex.cutout_from: division line is null Simplex\.calc\_division\_lines: division not found yesterday system works fine, but today stops work. I do not make any changes on my projects. could someone help me to resolve this problem. ![Screenshot_20220119_123028.png](//image.easyeda.com/pullimage/OtkHegcN2TbJPO1YisDuIEOZsNBzH1nGlhm2zzpO.png) ![Screenshot_20220119_123505.png](//image.easyeda.com/pullimage/9DOpTCr27UQdLlT8nKgIRklX2qJ7ryK8yx6EIXZr.png)
deskpro256 1 week ago
Have you tried restarting EasyEDA and the local autorouter? Or tried the EDA in a browser and using the cloud router. Might give you something to work with. Maybe something has gone coo-coo and you need to reinstall the router. I don't use it personally, so it's hard to say. Also, one of the first problems is using the autorouter. Better do it properly yourself and you won't have to waste time troubleshooting something that doesn't work and doesn't know what your circuit is doing and also is supposed to be doing. If you are going to use the autorouter, make it skip the GND net as it usually ruins the already terrible routing. Add planes to both top and bottom layers if you are using a 2 layer board, stich them up with vias and hope for the best. With 4 layers you should not have any problems, as the 2 inner layers could be used as PWR and GND with top and bottom being signal layers. Cost is basically the same, but you get better PCB's, EMI and other stuff. I also see an ENC28J60 which is an Ethernet Controller and that should be taken a bit seriously. I have heard that 10/100 Base can work on a wet string, but I wouldn't take the chances. If its on an expansion board already, you might be fine, but... I cannot see your project, but I can sense, that the autorouter will not make things better. See how your component placement is going, are there components all around and traces going through Africa? Then you need to start over. There are countless tutorials and amazing FREE courses which teach these things. I would suggest you route the board manually and save the hassle with the router and hone your PCB design skills.
andyfierman 1 week ago
@GreenHamr, I second @deskpro256 'a  comments. Routing tracks on a PCB is about far more than connecting pads on Footprints together so that they match the connectivity defined by the Schematic. You can get good routing using an autorouter but to do so requires a huge depth of knowledge and experience in manual routing, component placement, signal and power integrity, EMC and board stackups that you will only get by starting off doing that manual routing and learning about all the stuff that goes with it. :)
GreenHamr 1 week ago
Ok, I agree with you. I show only example that auto router not apply DRC rules that I configure. I use auto router to help me. Оf course after auto routing I redesign some nets, parts or vias.
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