Pad center-snap region a little too large
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martin 5 years ago
It often happens that you have a via (for example) really near the center of a pad. In some cases, the via naturally falls within the center snap region of the pad, making it nearly impossible to create a trace between the two. Is there a key to suppress center pad snapping momentarily? ie, start at center of pad, suspend center snapping, connect to via, continue on your merry way.
andyfierman 5 years ago
You can toggle snap to grid on and off using the `G` key. This is a global function so don't forget to turn snap to grid back on.
martin 5 years ago
Actually, the pad center-snap feature doesn't respect the global Snap preference. It always snaps.
andyfierman 5 years ago
I hadn't realised that! As you have probably already found, the pad snap also does not respect the snap size setting.
martin 5 years ago
Andy, I don't think it should respect the size setting, either. The intent is to snap to its center no matter what. I find that to be very useful. Perhaps it could be tweaked to always snap to the center of the pad, within a region defined by the snap size?
martin 3 years ago
Coming back to this: the snap region on pads _actually scales_ with zoom, which is undesirable. It really should be independent of zoom, and use actual mouse distance from center. In the image below, my mouse is hovering directly over the via, but notice the focus dot is in the center of the pad. It makes it impossible to connect the two! ![enter image description here][1] [1]: /editor/20180130/5a705b4b313fe.png
Henrik Larsen 1 year ago
I have problems with this also. Tracks snap to pad and controls track routing from the PAD to the first bend. I my particular case, i wire a very thick trace through narrow area, but the PAD snapping prevents me from doing routing from the PAD off center. If I pull the angled track down a bit, it just jumps back to PAD center. What should I do here ? ![image.png](// I want it to be like this, but I cant leave it there. It pops back. ![image.png](// Its very annoying, that PAD snapping cannot be disabled.
martin 1 year ago
4-year-old thread, still not resolved. These annoyances add up. Center-snapping to pad should use camera coordinates. ie, snap should happen based on distance of pad to mouse as seen on-screen, so that zooming in allows gives more accuracy. Alas, this small improvement is apparently at the bottom of the pile, as are so many others.
martin 1 year ago
Bump, EasyEDA team. It's been 4-years for what could be a quick fix. Change coordinate space for pad snaps!
Jonathan Nock 1 month ago
BUMP.  Still hasn't been fixed, extremely annoying issue that has a simple solution.
martin 1 week ago
5-year anniversary.
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