Online Gerber Viewer of JLCPCB website leaves out parts.
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Bram Stolk 3 months ago
I've noticed that the online Gerber Viewer of jlcpcb sometimes leaves stuff out. Notice the missing triangle from the silk screen here: ![image.png](// It is actually present in the gerber file, because the quick preview in the list, shows the triangle of the diode present: ![image.png](//
Zafar Ahmed Abbasi 3 months ago
Sir complete procdger required
JLCPCBsupport 3 months ago
Hello ; Please consider that the GERBER viewer is just for global check and will not always show the exact final view of the PCB so kindly upload your GERBER and our engineers will take care of your design. You can add a note to your order to make the CAM operators be attention with silkscreen layer of your uploaded files.
andyfierman 3 months ago
To properly check your Gerbers, EasyEDA recommends using **gerbv**
UserSupport 1 week ago
Hi Please send your gerber to [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) they will have a look
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