MRF1513NT1 no spice model
158 4
saif khalid 8 months ago
I am using MRF1513NT1 but on simulation it gives no spice model for it. Can anyone help?
andyfierman 8 months ago
There is a whole section of the EasyEDA Spice Tutorial, **Device models**, devoted to finding and assigning spice models and what options that you have if you cannot find one. [](<br> <br>
andyfierman 8 months ago
There would appear to be no publicly available spice model for this device. You may be able to develop a set of spice models derived from the S parameter data for this or a similar device but that will be a non-trivial task. [](<br> <br> Using a spice simulator for RF design is a big ask anyway since you need to have accurate models for the other components and of the PCB substrate materials. It depends somewhat on the frequency you want to work at but this sort of design is better suited to dedicated RF simulation tools such as QUCS or commercial tools such as AWR and ADS.
saif khalid 8 months ago
yes i used ADS but is stuck at the error of singular matrix and i am not able to figure it out. Can you help/?
andyfierman 8 months ago
EasyEDA uses LTspice. It has no support for Keysight's ADS or its device models. Your project is public so only you can see it. For help on EasyEDA,  please read: [](<br> <br> Otherwise, if you are using Keysight's ADS then you should post your questions on their forum.
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