Missing parts in Library
46 3
JajajTec 3 weeks ago
I am trying to assign a certain type of resistor (for excample the WSLP1206R0500FEA and hundreds others) to my pcb so i can use the smt assemle service, but when i try to search them in the library, it is nowhere. It just says that nothing is found and that i should go to lcsc and when i do that it even directly goes to the component. i have tryed searching with the LCSC Part # or Mfr. Part #. this has alredy happend hundreds times. and it is starting to get pretty frustrating, because i have to redesign the whole pcb many times. so, how can i help to fix this issue, do i need to subit an log?
andyfierman 3 weeks ago
If you search JLCPCB for Current Sense Resistors, you'll see that they do not stock that particular Vishay part: [https://jlcpcb.com/parts/componentSearch?isSecondLevel=true&name=Current%20Sense%20resistors/shunt%20Resistors%20&firstName=Resistors](https://jlcpcb.com/parts/componentSearch?isSecondLevel=true&name=Current%20Sense%20resistors%2Fshunt%20Resistors%20&firstName=Resistors)<br> <br> Instead of designing with a predetermined set of parts you perhaps should first find out what parts your chosen PCBA house has - or can get - in stock and then design the board around that.
andyfierman 3 weeks ago
If you wish to use the JLCPCB Assembly service then you must search the JLCPCB parts library first: [https://jlcpcb.com/parts](https://jlcpcb.com/parts)<br> <br> Stock held by LCSC is currently completely separate from that held by JLCPCB.
JajajTec 3 weeks ago
Oh i dedent notice that it was discontinued or not in stock. can you maybe add a optional filter checkmark for discontinued parts (alongside for the not in stock parts)?
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