Missing 3D model for Header 1x15?
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jalsop 1 month ago
If I place a 1x16 female header (LCSC [C12440](https://lcsc.com/product-detail/span-style-background-color-ff0-Female-span-Headers_Ckmtw-Shenzhen-Cankemeng-B-2200S15P-A120_C124408.html)9) in my schematic, it displays nicely in the 3D view.  Similarly, a 1x14 female header ([C52711](https://lcsc.com/product-detail/span-style-background-color-ff0-Female-span-Headers_BOOMELE-Boom-Precision-Elec-C52711_C52711.html)) displays properly. But if I place a1x15 header ([C124408](https://lcsc.com/product-detail/span-style-background-color-ff0-Female-span-Headers_Ckmtw-Shenzhen-Cankemeng-B-2200S15P-A120_C124408.html)), no 3D model shows up. Is this a bug, or am I doing something wrong? P.S. The male 1x15 header (LCSC C2894938) works fine.
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