Making a faceplate - exposed copper issue
169 2
Tone Electronix 3 months ago
Hello! So I am trying to do a faceplate using text and graphics, exposing copper in a PCB, and I have some issues (and lack of knowledge). I found this topic ([]( and this is what I did: 1- the faceplate is this, three holes for potentiometers (grey ones) and outlines in purple. The text and symbol I am testing: ![Capturar1.JPG](// 2- so I added 2x copies of each text AND graphic. One of each to "Top Layer": ![Capturar2.JPG](// 3- and the other on "Top Solder Mask Layer": ![Capturar3.JPG](// <br> Now the question is, what do I do next?? Mind that this is not a "electronic schematic", it's just a design. Should I add a "net" (GND for example)???? Thank you for your help!
andyfierman 3 months ago
Pads are automatically exposed copper. You could also try: Create your text then export it as DXF; Import > DXF into the Top Layer; Select, right-click > Convert to Board Cutout; Then Select the Board Cutout (not the vertices); In the upper right hand panel, select Solid (should default to Top Layer); Then Select the Solid Region (not the vertices); Right-click > Convert to Pad.
andyfierman 3 months ago
Once the elements are instantiated as pads, they can all be assigned a pad number and a net name The pad number and net name can be the same for all of the created pad elements or they can be different for each element. Ignore any ratlines and the PCB Design Manager warnings.
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