looking for a BLDC motor driver
56 5
patricksfog 4 weeks ago
hello ! I want to start a new design and looking for a BLDC motor driver, back in Asia I have seen this JY01A IC that seems quite basic but more than enough for what I have in mind unfortunately I have not  been able to find it in LCSC nor an equivalent therefore I need "a little help from my friends !!" thx again and wish you a much better year 2022 than what we had lately Dom
andyfierman 4 weeks ago
Can you post the link to a datasheet  for the JY01A from which people could  base a search for an alternative?
andyfierman 3 weeks ago
After a bit of Googling, searching for: JY01\_V3\.5\_2018\-English\.pdf brings up an english "datasheet" here: [https://cnc3018\.ru/attachments/jy01\_v3\-5\_2018\-english\-pdf\.21394](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://cnc3018.ru/attachments/jy01_v3-5_2018-english-pdf.21394/&ved=2ahUKEwiWrP6imo71AhV3gP0HHbbnAQ0QFnoECAoQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0UImtzMjYfPgR2ZzqvIFXr)
andyfierman 3 weeks ago
Google is definately your friend on this one... Google "3 Phase BLDC motor controller driver" [https://www.ti.com/product/DRV8313](https://www.ti.com/product/DRV8313)<br> <br> ![image.png](//image.easyeda.com/pullimage/61uMrbcYB3OuqREh1BpFOaPoph7cmgWnoiUzPw1b.png) Also look though: [https://jlcpcb.com/parts/componentSearch?isSecondLevel=true&name=Motor%20Drivers%20&firstName=Driver%20Ics](https://jlcpcb.com/parts/componentSearch?isSecondLevel=true&name=Motor%20Drivers%20&firstName=Driver%20Ics)<br> <br> For STMicroelectronics parts, cross-check datasheets with: [https://www.st.com/en/motor-drivers/brushless-dc-motor-drivers.html#products](https://www.st.com/en/motor-drivers/brushless-dc-motor-drivers.html#products)
patricksfog 3 weeks ago
hello Andy the spec of this circuit b.r. Dom [https://fr\.aliexpress\.com/item/4001177499452\.html?algo\_pvid=73a55f38\-9a78\-4447\-8ad4\-ad073bfe13a7&algo\_exp\_id=73a55f38\-9a78\-4447\-8ad4\-ad073bfe13a7\-2](https://fr.aliexpress.com/item/4001177499452.html?algo_pvid=73a55f38-9a78-4447-8ad4-ad073bfe13a7&algo_exp_id=73a55f38-9a78-4447-8ad4-ad073bfe13a7-2)
patricksfog 3 weeks ago
@patricksfog other than this I can ad the STM IC in the library although you don't have it in stock ? b.r. Dom
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