impedance calculation
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mori goran 1 month ago
hi, I need to calculate impedance for some of my route on the pcb. I understand there is not simple calculator in the program so I need the layer thickness. Someone know where can I see or control the layer thickness?
deskpro256 1 month ago
Hi, there is no layer thickness setting in the EDA as far as I know, but you'd need to see what you PCB manufacturer can offer and use that for your calculations. If you are going to use JLCPCB, here are their capabilities: [](<br> <br> 4/6 layer impedance info: []( And a calculation tool: [](<br> <br> If you are going to use other manufacturers, you need to find that out from them. Another great and free tool for a lot of PCB design is Saturn PCB Design Toolkit: []( It's free but you need to give them your email to download it.
andyfierman 1 month ago
I can recommend this: [](<br> <br> It is a Free and Open Source Software 2D field solver that gives results comparable to commercial field solvers.
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