How to make a PCB spiral inductor?
2828 7
roselines 3 years ago
Is it possible to make a spiral inductor in the EasyEda? Example below: ![pcb spiral inductor.jpg](// Maybe there is an extension (addon) for this? Thank you!
cleebaar123 3 years ago
you can make your'e own package to do that
andyfierman 3 years ago
Package: also referred to as a PCB footprint or PCB Lib. :)
roselines 3 years ago
I myself drew a spiral in the Altium Designer: ![pcb spiral inductor2.jpg](// Is there such a tool (plug-in) in the EasyEda? This would be for the users of the EasyEda
andyfierman 3 years ago
1) Could you create a script to do it? []( 2) Draw the spiral in a drawing tool, export it as a DXF, import the DXF into a copper layer in EasyEDA.
andyfierman 3 years ago
If you have the patience, you can create it as a series of arcs directly in the PCB Editor or as a footprint in the PCB Lib Editor using the Arc trace tools or by setting the Routing angle to Arc: ![image.png](//
zz555 4 days ago
Online Spiral Generator for PCB EasyEDA [](<br> <br>
andyfierman 4 days ago
@zz555, See comments here: [](
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