Have to login with Google "every time" and not saved
530 7
korishantalshin 1 year ago
When I log in I have to use Google account "every time" I come back to the site after closing/opening my browser. My login credentials are not saved at all. Even checking the "Remember Me" check box on login does not fix this issue. I would like to be able to login in with a regular login using my email and password specific to EasyEDA. How can I do this without creating a new account? At least then hopefully the "Remember Me" option will work. Thanks Kori
korishantalshin 1 year ago
Hello?!?!  Any information on this???
Nehuen Pieri 1 year ago
I have the same issue!
UserSupport 1 year ago
Please login with password, with Google accout can not keep the login information.
korishantalshin 1 year ago
So how does one add a password to the account when we don't have a password to begin with???? ![Untitled.png](//image.easyeda.com/pullimage/AuG40iHPHE0R0l8xq9VjwhjW74YYGErdvAinG2ei.png) As you can see, we need an "Original" password to change it. If we don't have one, how can we set it?
korishantalshin 1 year ago
I answered this myself as I was curious. If you go through the process of "Forgotten Password" from the Login page, you can set a password to the account. Please note, you need to verify that your email is actually registered with EasyEDA under the Account Settings and not just linked with Google. Otherwise, I'm not sure if it'll work.
g__l 1 week ago
I use EasyEDA in hybrid offline mode.  It never remembers the password, and worse if often requires an old-school 'select the matching pics' captcha which is just awful, especially for offline mode. please fix so it remembers your login when checked.
g__l 1 week ago
.. and right now there is no captcha actually shown, but sign-in won't complete with 'Recaptcha field required' error message? ![no_captcha.jpg](//image.easyeda.com/pullimage/gdRxq3g7TBb5kqoRG5Pu0ACOuMKVyRcK0BSZXoGg.jpeg)
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