Grid in mm slowly drifts (rounding error from mil?)
118 6
jumpbike 1 month ago
If I set the grid and the snap to 0.05mm, when I hover the mouse over the first few grid points the coordinate match up but once I'm 45mm across the coordinates are now snapping to 45.011.  This is highlighted by the PCB outline point being on 45mm but not matching up to the grid. Origin: ![image.png](// 45mm point: ![image.png](// Is this a known issue?  It is a bit of a nightmare once I start modifying a part of the PCB outline as the new part snaps to the grid. thanks,
andyfierman 1 month ago
@jumpbike, I can't reproduce this. One question however: Why do you need to use a grid and a snap of 0.05mm? Using such a fine grid makes it hard to manually place things accurately. You may find life a lot easier if you use the coarsest grid and snap that you can and then, if you need to position something precisely, use the element's XY centre co-ordinates or use the Alignment and Distribute Array tools under Format.
jumpbike 1 month ago
@andyfierman I was drawing a 'notch' in my PCB outline around a silk screen shape on a board edge component but as the notch doesn't line up to a coarse grid, the easiest way for me to get the lines around the notch and the straight again was to make the grid fine.  I do this all the time in other software for work but I've never seen a rounding error in the grid before.
andyfierman 1 month ago
@jumpbike, Understood. Have you swapped between mil and mm at some point during the layout? I'm wondering if that might be where the rounding error comes in. EasyEDA does seem to have a problem with rounding errors but not being a programmer, I don't know how such things are dealt with in coding.
MikeDB 1 month ago
I see the same problem constantly.   Before going to PCB fabrication I have to check every component and sometimes give them a little jiggle to get them back on-grid.  I reported this bug years ago but never fixed.
jumpbike 1 month ago
@andyfierman it's strange to see this issue on a PC program where many decimal places should not be an issue at all
andyfierman 1 month ago
You might like to change the Category of this topic to Bug Report.
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