EasyEDA has upgraded.
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dillon 8 years ago
Hi, Ctrl + F5 twice to enjoy the new version. When rotating a symbol, the name and prefix will keep horizontally. Maybe fixed the <a href="https://easyeda.com/bbs_view_167.htm" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://easyeda.com/bbs_view_167.htm</a> Fixed this <a href="https://easyeda.com/bbs_view_168.htm" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://easyeda.com/bbs_view_168.htm</a> The forum has been listed by last reply, it is a litter easy to find new reply. Add introductions for websites and features with a step-by-step . Fixed some bugs for simulation, such as mult-sheet spice netlist. Close auto-scoll replace a new feature: when drawing a wire at the edge of canvas, you can hold on your mouse right key and pan the canvas. It is hard to explain this function, maybe I need a video. Fixed some bugs in PCB layout. Next, We will support Markdown soon. Public official bug/feature list <a href="https://easyeda.com/bbs_view_120.htm" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://easyeda.com/bbs_view_120.htm</a> Making the zoom in/out factor more accurate
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