Doulication of holes (pads) when placing headers
66 4
yoav arugga 4 weeks ago
Hi, I've placed an Arduino mega board to create a shield with. When placing headers on top of it, it appears to have a duplication of holes (pads). Is it okay and the machine will ignore it? or it can ruin the PCB and no one will ever know? (except me when I get it..) Thanks, Yoav
andyfierman 4 weeks ago
You need to post some pictures to illustrate your question. In the meanwhile, I'm guessing that this topic covers your situation: []( Please take the time to read through all of it and study the procedure and examples it includes.
yoav arugga 4 weeks ago
@andyfierman Thank you so much The picture below shows what I referred to, actually, it is an Arduino mega template and some header pins placed on top of it. My question is, how should I resolve this? Delete the pads on the Arduino? Delete the pads on the headers? Find some other headers without pads? (is it exist?) Thanks, Yoav ![image.png](//
andyfierman 4 weeks ago
The answer to your question depends on several factors which your screenshot and posts so far do not give enough information about to fully understand your situation. If you have the situation that you are trying to include a module as well as the connectors or headers for it in the schematic then you need to read and understand the topic that I have referred you to above. It is too time consuming to describe the possible solutions all over again in this topic when they have already been covered in detail in the topic referred to above.
yoav arugga 3 weeks ago
@andyfierman Of course, thanks again!
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