Dimension tool
705 9
M-16 2 years ago
![Annotation 2020-01-16 215109.png](//image.easyeda.com/pullimage/MqupSA9osEhucwvb46MEkZDuWIg5aSH6Q8xm3DiG.png) The measuring instrument (Dimension tool - EasyEDA Designer) does not work. Or it is simply not possible to understand the logic of his work. I did not find any information about this.
UserSupport 2 years ago
Just click three points start point, end point, and height point ![image.png](//image.easyeda.com/pullimage/hvgd0Ti8U2htNTyOMOS23w20VsZRbGM8vnDDd3Rz.png)
M-16 2 years ago
Don't work.
M-16 2 years ago
:) Works, thank you. Sorry, I didn’t know that the tool only works with silk-layers.
andyfierman 2 years ago
@M-16, Best to use it on the **Document** layer only.
M-16 2 years ago
Ok. Thank you.
bijanmohandes 1 week ago
Hi What does the measurement tool automatically switch off the measure value when you final click it? ![image.png](//image.easyeda.com/pullimage/50xLn9F0ar8Yt6YuB351YnSplY5Fhif8C8nL04od.png) I get the measurement but when i slide to where i want to see it, it turns off and disappears. Is there a setting to make this remain?
andyfierman 1 week ago
@bijanmohandes , The **Dimension** tool (Hotkey **N**) works as described by UserSupport above: Just click three points start point, end point, and height point ![image.png](https://image.easyeda.com/pullimage/hvgd0Ti8U2htNTyOMOS23w20VsZRbGM8vnDDd3Rz.png) The **Measure** (Hotkey **M**) tool is not persistent. It measures the distance between the first and the second mouse clicks. A third mouse click or ESC resets it.
bijanmohandes 1 week ago
I dont think this is right.... ![image.png](//image.easyeda.com/pullimage/iHQTo0QGx0lEqWeR4YfRtlmrfF6An2lgbzF938ve.png) You can see from the above that I can make multiple 'persistent' measurements and leave them on the page. This works on one of my tabs. On the other tab, the dimension measured disappears once you make the third click. There must be a setting that controls if it says or not, buri cant see it.....
andyfierman 1 week ago
What you are showing is the persistent **Dimension** (N) tool not the non-persistent **Measurement** (M) tool. I cannot reproduce the **Dimension** (N) tool working in one PCB tab and not working another PCB tab. Both tools also operate as described in the Footprint Editor.
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