Desktop Client - Revert to older version
76 5
billbrach 1 month ago
Hello, Is there any way to revert to an older version of the desktop client on Linux Mint ?? Or, can you install two different versions on the same computer ?? I have older versions saved off, but when I try to run EasyEDA after installing an older version, EasyEDA sends me to the download page for the latest version. Thanks !!
andyfierman 1 month ago
This might be why: [](
billbrach 1 month ago
You remember my recent question about making a PCB design into a footprint ??  I have actually done this\, and I \*THINK\* it was with an older version\, maybe the version from about 3 months ago\.  What I did then\, does not work with the current version\.  So\, I don't know if there has been a bug introduced in that functionality or whether the feature was "crippled" in the Free version\, to be able to offer it in the Pro version\.
andyfierman 1 month ago
@billbrach, The policy has always been to keep all current features free with (I think) only extra features in Pro possibly charged for (or maybe even just paid-for support?). [](<br> <br> I'd suspect bug rather than nobbled. :)
andyfierman 1 month ago
Could you share your PCB to Footprint JSON file to see what might have changed?
billbrach 1 month ago
Yes, I can do that.  I just need to figure out how to make a public project LOL  What I can't figure out, is how I made the multi-part footprints that I have now.  Let me work on that aspect, before I make the projects public.  I'm pretty sure I made them by pasting parts from an existing PCB to a new footprint,  and then wiring them together, but that is what doesn't work correctly now.  That's why I thought there may have been an induced bug in the current version.
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