Cross Probe And Place Does not work
49 2
Oleg Besperstov 1 month ago
Hi, I'm following one of the tutorials from the official youtube channel. When created my schematic and convert it to PCB, I come back to the schematic page and box-select the components I want to arrange and then click to Tools - <span class="colour" style="color: rgb(46, 48, 63);">Cross Probe And Place but then nothing happens!!!  As per the video, I expect EasyEDA to open PCB window and arrange my components but nothing happened.  A few hours have been tried but give up now. Please help!</span>
andyfierman 1 month ago
Please study my comments in this topic carefully: [](
Oleg Besperstov 1 month ago
Thanks, Andy, SOLVED! The problem was that schematic was not saved before attempts to use the tool.
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