Change precision from 1.000 to 1.00
39 2
kosednar 2 weeks ago
Hi, I am trying to route a PCB using the local auto-router.  The local auto-router attemps to route then quickly stops and reports attempting to route 2 routes then quits.  THe local router says it needs two decimal pints instead of three. My question is how do change the precision to two places 0.00 not 0.000. Would someone tell me how to change the preccision of the easyEDA's PCB program? Thanks.
andyfierman 1 week ago
What version of the local autorouter are you using? What happens if you use the Cloud Autorouter? Your project is private so only you can see it. Can you make the project public and post the link to it here?
kosednar 1 week ago
Hello andyfierman, The local router is called easyeda-router-windows-x64-V_0.8.11. Now both routers run and route well now.  I'm happy with their profomance.  The problem must have been the way I had the parts positioned on the PCB. My design is not  finished .  Idon't wish  to shaer at this time. Joe K.
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