I am trying to add a 4th opamp of the quad opamp LM324 soic (U1.4) to my schematic but the system insists that it should be U5.4. This causes a whole new IC to be added to the PCB. The system will not even let me change U5.4 to U1.4 it simply flags the message 'U1.4 Exists' and puts it back to U5.4. Please see video.[Can't add 4th opamp](https://youtu.be/T3_W0N8mbuI)<br>
Additional: I have also tried re-annotating and also deleting and re-adding the component and it still will not work!
[https://youtu.be/T3_W0N8mbuI](https://youtu.be/T3_W0N8mbuI) Can't add 4th opamp