C10418 rotation inconsistency between preview and DFM analysis
276 5
swarren 7 months ago
I designed a PCB using Kicad. The PCB contains a USB micro B connector; LCSC component C10418. I designed my own footprint for the connector since I couldn't find a pre-existing footprint for Kicad: ![kicad-footprint.png](//image.easyeda.com/pullimage/U8T3oxNPIlumqe0kB90C7UXE6bQXJgTd0o01fQkz.png) I placed this component on my circuit board, rotated in the orientation that I wanted: ![kicad-pcb.png](//image.easyeda.com/pullimage/qjy7vk9mJjMRblRcwWTnfiBulf9eiSVh5evDxety.png) I then uploaded the PCB design (as a Gerber, BOM, and CPL file) to JLCPCB's order page. This yielded a PCB preview as shown below, which looks correct: ![jlcpcb-smt-preview.png](//image.easyeda.com/pullimage/xKTeEoNUEdrEsfMQFKBLoyU6yDkuI7N4JbZD4huc.png) The first time I did this, the rotation of the USB connector did not match in Kicad and JLCPCB preview. So, I redesigned (rotated) the footprint in the Kicad footprint editor and also in the PCB design and re-uploaded the files to JLPCB until the JLCPCB preview looked correct. I ended up with the Kicad footprint orientation shown above, and a 270 degree rotation in the CPL file. However, when I ordered the PCB from JLCPCB, the DFM analysis showed that the rotation of the USB connector was wrong; it had to be rotated 180 degrees: ![jlcpcb-dfm-analysis.png](//image.easyeda.com/pullimage/SoRJBRgOVCtNAO3Ue3NRPYP2Hoe1shX2YkkEIq1B.png) I understand that JLCPCB's engineers fixed the issue, so my component will be placed correctly when the board is assembled. However, would prefer that my CPL file is correct when I upload it; I want the JLCPCB preview and DFM analysis to look the same, so that JLCPCB engineers don't have to fix my CPL file. Since the inconsistency is between JLCPCB's preview (270 degree rotation shows correctly) and DFM analysis (I guess that 90 degree rotation is required here), I believe that only JLCPCB can fix this; can this be fixed? Thanks.
swarren 2 months ago
Can anyone at EasyEDA or JLCPCB comment on this?
andyfierman 2 months ago
@swarren, Why are you posting this question in the EasyEDA forum? You are asking about a board designed in Kicad, the Gerbers from which you then uploaded to JLCPCB. You have used a part that you seem to have sourced from LCSC, which you have created a Footprint for in Kicad but you do not appear to have imported your Kicad design into EasyEDA at any point. This is therefore not a Bug Report about EasyEDA or question for LCSC. You should either: 1. change the Category of this topic to JLCPCB; 2. raise your question directly with support at JLCPCB; 3. post this question on a Kicad forum.
swarren 2 months ago
@andyfierman, I was led to believe that the jlcpcb preview was implemented by an EasyEDA backend (I think I saw a blog post to that effect when I was trying to research this issue). If that's not the case, feel free to move this post to a different sub-forum; I don't appear to have any way to do that.
andyfierman 2 months ago
Go to your post here in the forum then click on the **Edit** button at the lower right of the original post.
JLCPCBsupport 2 months ago
@swarren Hello Thank you for writing to us here. Please consider that all parts orientation and correct position will be dealt by our CAM engineers at JLCPCB and you will get your order produced the way it was originally designed so basically the Assembly viewer is not related to the exact final real product but it is just for global referencing . You can fix the part orientation and position by yourself if you want to make sure that everything is OK, we provided this guide that shows how to fix parts orientations and locations : [https://github\.com/JLCPCB/JLCPCB\-SMT\-Assembly\-Components\-orientation\-fix?fbclid=IwAR2ce5wkIFFEcNKh75JFjx\_J7uoscrqyw3TrInumkZZaSCaM17Sf\_MZueUg](https://github.com/JLCPCB/JLCPCB-SMT-Assembly-Components-orientation-fix?fbclid=IwAR2ce5wkIFFEcNKh75JFjx_J7uoscrqyw3TrInumkZZaSCaM17Sf_MZueUg)<br> <br> As I already mentioned, the parts will be fixed by our engineers so no worries : ) <br> Best regards.
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