Bugged EELib Components
63 2
Miopicman 1 month ago
This problem may seem like a previous post I made not so long ago, but I assure you that it is not. It would seem that an attemtp to cure a problem I posted a while ago is now bugged in a different way. Please see my video: [Bugged EasyEDA Components](https://youtu.be/cdwh3WQavis)<br> <br> Ths video will be deleted when I am notified that the problem has been successfully fixed.
andyfierman 1 month ago
The Symbol, Footprint and 3D model are correct for this part in the EELib: ![image.png](//image.easyeda.com/pullimage/AS1pU8jgO3PrtIO4RZyY3cKi5U2ptwulI3vhLHvi.png) ![image.png](//image.easyeda.com/pullimage/Mb7UZSg1MH0trFnpnpUDe453btpgxclUR42UZfRP.png) but the **name** of the 3D model is incorrect (it should be HDR-IDC-2.54-2X**12**P): ![image.png](//image.easyeda.com/pullimage/Q9bxavFSBYdDqJ15z5E1T6ll17fIXoIV8k6pLpTc.png) and does not exist in the 3D library: ![image.png](//image.easyeda.com/pullimage/pgkSPxoFH5barrgVY4AV1OqL6SAdRPPXZVax7puw.png) An error report for this part has been submitted.
andyfierman 1 month ago
This part from the EELib: ![image.png](//image.easyeda.com/pullimage/PPr9BFogVxKyEwH4eLw3sFtOwSfwSTBFLGIiO5vE.png) HDR-IDC-2.54-2X10P ![image.png](//image.easyeda.com/pullimage/TwyU9kJylyTal2SfykFamxQKOx8aYpYafInOTrxb.png) has no 3D model. An error report for this part has been submitted.
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