AutoRoute BoardCutout
63 3
jonple 2 weeks ago
Hello, I have imported a dxf file to board outline which worked perfectly. However then when I place my components on the board and try to use auto router it routes through the outline! I have made sure that everything is solid and connected and in 3d view it shows it being cut. I know I can make a large area to be a solid board cutout but as I know there is no way to make that from the dxf. Is there any way to either make a cutout exactly from dxf or make auto route avoid outline? Thanks <br> ![Screenshot 2022-01-09 170323.png](//
andyfierman 2 weeks ago
Your screenshot is showing ratlines not routed copper tracks. Please post an image from after you have run the autorouter. It may help you to read: [](
jonple 2 weeks ago
@andyfierman This is the copper tracks, I just paused it before it finished. Its the same thing if it let it finish. ![Screenshot 2022-01-10 110427.png](//
andyfierman 2 weeks ago
Oh, sorry! I was looking at your screenshot on my phone and the tracks didn't show up clearly, all I saw was the ratlines. My bad. I think you need to change the Category of your post to Bug Report.
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