all projects gone and interface broken
171 4
Guest 3 months ago
Hi there, After i changed my nickname, all content of my projects disappeared. I've tried to re-open via history but it doesn't work. I can't create a new project or open or save anything and there's only a "login" button in place of the projects tree (sometimes a "New project" button that doesn't work either), even though i'm logged in... Clicking on it doesn't do anything. I can see my projects on my Personal Workspace but i can't save them or do anything with them. Have tried deleting cache, cookies etc.. but this had no effect. It's basically broken somehow. I'm using Firefox on Mojave. (but the same happens with Chrome). Please, help.
Guest 3 months ago
examples: ![easyEDA.gif](// projects are there but useless: ![easyEDA2.gif](//
andyfierman 3 months ago
@UserSupport, Is the "Guest" name in these posts an effect of the user's chaning their account information or has @[ecsalt]( (t%scale) given up and closed their account?
wadewatts 3 months ago
hi, i've deleted my account and made a new one. everything works as normal now. still a major bug to fix by dev team imho.
UserSupport 2 weeks ago
@wadewatts that seems cache impact, maybe need to remove the browser cache, or try at incognito mode
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