Dear support
Simulating a simple current limiter I've noticed that the PNP BJT are
simulating with a very low Hfe (around 4) but it should be much higher
For example the 2N3906 should have 100 as Hfe

Operating Point Simulation results:
V(volprobe3): 2.524861336995146e+000V voltage
V(volprobe2): 1.823509493571086e+000V voltage
V(volprobe1): 3.242935620221527e+000V voltage
Circuit: \*\* Sheet\_1 \*\*
Direct Newton iteration for .op point succeeded.
Semiconductor Device Operating Points:
--- Bipolar Transistors ---
Name: q2 q1
Model: 2n3906 2n3906
Ib: -1.15e-03 6.41e-13
Ic: 5.71e-03 1.60e-13
Vbe: 7.01e-01 7.18e-01
Vbc: -7.18e-01 -5.71e-02
Vce: 1.42e+00 7.75e-01
BetaDC: -4.97e+00 2.49e-01
Gm: -1.76e-01 -3.51e-12
Rpi: 1.00e+12 1.00e+12
Rx: 2.00e+01 2.00e+01
Ro: 5.67e+00 2.85e+11
Cbe: 8.00e-12 8.01e-12
Cbc: 4.44e-08 4.62e-12
Cjs: 0.00e+00 0.00e+00
BetaAC: -1.76e+11 -3.51e+00
Cbx: 0.00e+00 0.00e+00
Ft: 6.32e+05 4.24e-02
Date: Tue Apr 06 20:03:23 2021
Total elapsed time: 0.015 seconds.
tnom = 27
temp = 27
method = trap
totiter = 8
traniter = 0
tranpoints = 0
accept = 0
rejected = 0
matrix size = 11
fillins = 4
solver = Normal
Matrix Compiler1: 1.04 KB object code size
Matrix Compiler2: 1.01 KB object code size
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