Adding mounting Holes to Schematic
293 5
Lesliev 2 months ago
In the very helpful "Welcome to EasyEDA" the author recommends placing all components required for the PCB in the Schematic to ensure that when the PCB is updated from a revised schematic it doesnt dissappear the items added via the PCB tools.  I am, however, unable to find any information on how to add holes as footprints or in any form in the schematic.  Can anyone advise please. Thank you in advance although I am guessing the question has already been asked and answered but I cant find that answer unfortunately. @andyfierman
andyfierman 2 months ago
1. Find or create (from scratch or by cloning and editing) a PCB Footprint for a suitably dimensioned hole (of the type required: through-plated or not);  2. If it has been edited, Save it with a unique name and a clear Description;  3. Find or create (from scratch or by cloning and editing) a Schematic Symbol for a suitable hole (with opr without a pin as required but remember that dimensions do not matter in the schematic, only in the footprint);  4. In the Schematic Symbol, click on the Footprint attribute and, using the Footprint Manager, assign your uniquely names Footprint to the Symbol. 5. Place the symbol in the Schematic;  6. Update the PCB. Done. There are Symbols and Footprints for many common holes such as: HOLE\_D3M5\_D7M0\_PAD\_PTH ![image.png](// <br> Dealing with Logos and things like HV warning symbols is handled the same way: ![image.png](//
Lesliev 2 months ago
@andyfierman, Andy thank you for that comprhensive info\.  I have indeed found a hole Symbol and footprint using the HOLE\_D3M5\_D7M0\_PAD\_PTH you mentioned\.  Not sure why I didn't see it before:\-\(  I will edit one of those to suit my purposes\. An interesting thing though is that when I updated the Schematic with the symbol for the HOLE\_D3M5\_D7M0\_PAD\_PTH then pushed it to my PCB the existing mounting holes I had inserted via the PCB "hole" option were still in place as I had put them\.  I expected from previous posts the existing PCB holes would be omitted when the Schematic was pushed to the PCB\.  Also the schematic holes I inserted did arrive on the newly updated PCB\.  Is this what is now expected when pushing a modified schematic to the PCB or just a weird abberation in this instance? I would appreciate your thoughts\. Regards
andyfierman 2 months ago
I haven't checked recently but I suspect that since I wrote about holes placed directly into the PCB being removed on Import Changes..., they are now retained. I do not know what else may now be retained. Despite that, I think it is good practice to put holes, logos etc into the schematic so that they do not get left out and then have to be fitted in to a part completed layout as an afterthought. :)
Lesliev 2 months ago
@andyfierman yes I absolutely agree with you. Your logic and advice in the “Welcome to EDA” tutorial makes complete sense as a Schematic should, i believe, drive the pcb so what you want “on board” for the PCB should be in the schematic. And all of the other advice in that tute is equally applicable and certainly answered many of the conundrums i wrestled with in the learning process i have been enjoying. Regards
andyfierman 2 months ago
@Lesliev, Glad that you find it helpful. :)
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